Best Places to Live Abroad: A Review of Countries for Emigration and Relocation

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Today, we will discuss the 13 best countries for living and emigration. The ranking is based on the Quality of Life Index.

About Quality of Life Indexes

The Quality of Life Index evaluates the overall standard of living in a city or country. It takes into account various factors that affect the quality of life. The higher the index value, the better the quality of life.

The Quality of Life Index is based on data and surveys from Numbeo users, reflecting the opinions and experiences of people who use the site. Numbeo strives to provide accurate and up-to-date information by filtering out spam and ensuring a sufficient number of participants for each city or country.

Key Factors of the Quality of Life Index


Luxembourg is a small but wealthy country in Western Europe, bordering Belgium, France, and Germany. It is a financial hub and home to many international organizations. The country has three official languages: Luxembourgish, French, and German. The average post-tax salary in Luxembourg is about $5400 per month.

Pros of the Country

  • Standard of Living: High incomes, excellent healthcare, and quality infrastructure.
  • Economy: Thriving economy driven by the banking sector and international trade.
  • Safety: Low crime rate.
  • Cultural Diversity: Luxembourg is welcoming to people of various nationalities.

Cons of the Country

  • Cost of Living: Expensive housing and daily expenses.

About planning a budget for a move, we’ve already covered it here.

Emigrating to Luxembourg

Emigrating to Luxembourg can be quite challenging due to strict visa and residency requirements. You can live there with a work visa, student visa, entrepreneur visa, or investor visa. It’s also possible to obtain a visa for family reunification. About 47% of Luxembourg’s population consists of migrants or non-natives.ые жители, что делает страну многонациональной. Люксембург известен своим положительным отношением к мигрантам.

Naturalization Conditions and Timelines

To obtain citizenship in Luxembourg, you need to reside in the country for 7 years, be proficient in one of the official languages, and pass a citizenship exam. Citizenship can be acquired more quickly if you marry a Luxembourg citizen.


The Netherlands is a country in Western Europe, bordering Germany, Belgium, and the North Sea. It is known for its canals, windmills, tulips, and bicycles. The capital, Amsterdam, is famous for its museums and vibrant nightlife. The Netherlands is a liberal and tolerant state. The average post-tax salary here is about $3450 per month.

Pros of the Country

  • Standard of Living: Excellent quality of life, high purchasing power, and well-developed infrastructure.
  • Stable Economy: Strong sectors in trade, technology, and agriculture.
  • Safety: One of the safest countries in Europe.
  • Cultural Diversity: Multinational society with a tolerant attitude towards various cultures.

Cons of the Country

  • High Cost of Living: Expensive housing rentals.
  • Population Density: Issues with transportation and housing.

Is It Difficult to Emigrate?

Emigrating to the Netherlands is not overly difficult, but it does require meeting certain conditions. You can live there with a work visa, student visa, entrepreneur visa, or startup visa. It is also possible to obtain a visa for family reunification. The Netherlands is known for its tolerant attitude towards migrants. About 23% of the population consists of migrants or non-native residents.

Naturalization Conditions and Timelines

To obtain citizenship, you need to reside in the country for at least 5 years, pass a language and integration exam. Citizenship can be acquired more quickly if you marry a Dutch citizen.

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Iceland is an island nation in the North Atlantic, known for its stunning landscapes, geysers, volcanoes, hot springs, and glaciers. Interestingly, Iceland has no mosquitoes. More than 60% of the population lives in the capital, Reykjavik, and its surrounding areas. The country is almost entirely heated by geothermal energy. The average post-tax salary is about $3580 per month.

Pros of the Country

  • Standard of Living: Good healthcare and education systems.
  • Environmental Quality: Clean air, water, and nature.
  • Safety: Very low crime rate.

Cons of the Country

  • High Cost of Living: Expensive food and housing.
  • Isolation: A sense of isolation due to its geographical location.
  • Climate: Cold weather and long winter nights.

Is It Difficult to Emigrate?

Emigrating to Iceland is quite challenging due to strict visa and residency requirements. You can live there with a work visa or a student visa. It is also possible to obtain a visa for family reunification. About 15% of the population consists of migrants or non-native residents. Iceland is known for its friendly attitude towards migrants.

Naturalization Conditions and Timelines

To obtain citizenship, you need to reside in the country for at least 7 years, have a basic proficiency in the Icelandic language, and pass a citizenship exam. Citizenship can be acquired more quickly if you marry an Icelandic citizen.


Denmark is a small yet highly developed country in Northern Europe, bordered by Germany and surrounded by the North and Baltic Seas. It is the birthplace of LEGO and the famous fairy tale author Hans Christian Andersen. The Danes also invented “hygge,” a concept of coziness and comfort that has become popular worldwide. The average post-tax salary in Denmark is about $3650 per month.

Pros of the Country

  • Standard of Living: Excellent healthcare, education, and social security.
  • Economy: Low unemployment rate and high GDP per capita.
  • Safety: Low crime rate.
  • Environmental Quality: Clean air, advanced waste recycling system, and plenty of green spaces.

Cons of the Country

  • High Cost of Living: Expensive housing and everyday expenses.
  • Weather: Grey and rainy during the autumn and winter months.
  • Language Difficulty: Danish can be difficult to learn, although most people speak English.

Emigrating to Denmark

Emigrating to Denmark can be quite challenging due to strict visa and residency requirements. You can live there with a work visa, student visa, or entrepreneur visa. It is also possible to obtain a visa for family reunification. About 11% of the population consists of migrants or non-native residents. Denmark is known for its tolerant attitude towards migrants, although immigration laws have become stricter in recent years.

Naturalization Conditions and Timelines

To obtain citizenship, you need to reside in the country for at least 9 years, have sufficient proficiency in the Danish language, and pass a citizenship exam. Citizenship can be acquired more quickly if you marry a Danish citizen.


Finland is a country in Northern Europe, bordered by Russia, Sweden, and Norway, and surrounded by the Baltic Sea. It is known for its picturesque landscapes, lakes, and forests. Finland is the home of Santa Claus, and with a population of 5.5 million, there are over 3 million saunas. Finland often ranks high in happiness indexes. The average post-tax salary is about $2800 per month.

Pros of the Country

  • Standard of Living: Excellent healthcare and social security.
  • Environmental Quality: Clean air, abundant forests, and lakes.
  • Safety: Low crime rate.
  • Quality Education: One of the best education systems in the world, emphasizing equality and inclusiveness.

Cons of the Country

  • Climate: Cold winters and short summers.
  • High Cost of Living: Expensive housing and everyday expenses.
  • Isolation: Some may feel isolated from the rest of Europe.

Emigrating to Finland

Emigrating to Finland can be quite challenging due to strict visa and residency requirements. You can live there with a work visa, student visa, entrepreneur visa, or startup visa. It is also possible to obtain a visa for family reunification. About 7% of the population consists of migrants or non-native residents. Finland is known for its tolerant attitude.

Naturalization Conditions and Timelines

To obtain citizenship, you need to reside in the country for at least 5 years, know Finnish or Swedish, and pass a citizenship exam. Citizenship can be acquired more quickly if you marry a Finnish citizen.


Oman is a country on the Arabian Peninsula, bordered by the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen, and surrounded by the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman. The country is known for its beautiful deserts and oases. The average post-tax salary in Oman is about $2150 per month.

Pros of the Country

  • Safety: Low crime rate.
  • Friendly Population: Omanis are hospitable and welcoming to foreigners.
  • Natural Beauty: Mountains, deserts, and beaches.
  • Cultural Heritage: Rich history and culture.

Cons of the Country

  • Hot Climate: Extremely hot summers.
  • High Cost of Living: Expensive housing and imported goods.
  • Difficulty in Emigrating: Strict immigration laws.

Emigrating to Oman

Emigrating to Oman is challenging due to strict immigration laws. You can live there with a work visa or investor visa. About 41% of the population consists of migrants or non-native residents. Oman is known for its friendly attitude towards migrants.

Naturalization Conditions and Timelines

Obtaining citizenship is very difficult, possibly through marriage to an Omani citizen or special government decrees. The process takes many years and requires long-term residence in the country and knowledge of the Arabic language.


Switzerland is a small yet highly developed country in the heart of Europe, bordered by Germany, France, Italy, Austria, and Liechtenstein. It is known for its picturesque Alps, clean lakes, and stable political environment. Switzerland is a neutral country and has not participated in wars for over 500 years. The average post-tax salary in Switzerland is about $6580 per month.

Pros of the Country

  • Standard of Living: One of the highest in the world, with excellent healthcare and education.
  • Economic Stability: Low unemployment rate and high incomes.
  • Nature and Environment: Beautiful landscapes, clean air, and water.
  • Safety: Low crime rate.

Cons of the Country

  • High Cost of Living: Expensive housing and everyday expenses.
  • Difficulty in Emigrating: Strict immigration laws.
  • Language Barriers: Four official languages can create challenges for migrants.

Emigrating to Switzerland

Emigrating to Switzerland is quite challenging due to strict requirements. You can live there with a work visa, student visa, investor visa, or entrepreneur visa. It is also possible to obtain a visa for family reunification. About 25% of the population consists of migrants or non-native residents. Switzerland is known for its tolerant attitude towards migrants.

Naturalization Conditions and Timelines

To obtain citizenship, you need to reside in the country for at least 10 years, know one of the official languages, and pass an exam. Citizenship can be acquired more quickly if you marry a Swiss citizen.


Norway is a country in Northern Europe, bordered by Sweden, Finland, and Russia. It is surrounded by the waters of the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans. Norway is known for its fjords, northern lights, mountain landscapes, and Viking history. The average post-tax salary in Norway is about $3350 per month.

Pros of the Country

  • Standard of Living: High-quality healthcare, education, and social security.
  • Natural Beauty: Fjords, mountains, and clean lakes.
  • Safety: Low crime rate.
  • Environmental Responsibility: Focus on renewable energy and environmental protection.

Cons of the Country

  • High Cost of Living: Expensive housing, food, and services.
  • Climate: Long and cold winters.
  • Language Difficulty: Norwegian can be challenging to learn.

Emigrating to Norway

Emigrating can be challenging due to strict requirements. You can live there with a work visa, student visa, investor visa, or entrepreneur visa. It is also possible to obtain a visa for family reunification. About 15% of the population consists of migrants or non-native residents. Norway is known for its tolerant attitude towards migrants.

Naturalization Conditions and Timelines

To obtain citizenship, you need to reside in the country for at least 7 years, know Norwegian, and pass an exam. Citizenship can be acquired more quickly if you marry a Norwegian citizen..


Austria is a Central European country bordered by Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein. It is famous for its picturesque Alps and magnificent architecture. The capital, Vienna, hosts more than 450 balls annually, including the famous Vienna Opera Ball. The average post-tax salary in Austria is about €2600 per month.

Pros of the Country

  • Standard of Living: Excellent quality of life, well-developed healthcare, education, and social security.
  • Natural Beauty: Alps, lakes, and forests for outdoor enthusiasts.
  • Safety: Low crime rate.
  • Cultural Wealth: Museums, theaters, and music festivals.

Cons of the Country

  • High Cost of Living: Living in Austria, especially in Vienna, can be expensive.
  • Bureaucracy: Emigrating and obtaining various permits can be bureaucratically challenging.
  • Climate: Winters can be cold and snowy.

Emigrating to Austria

Emigrating to Austria can be quite challenging due to strict immigration requirements. You can live there with a work visa, student visa, investor visa, or entrepreneur visa. It is also possible to obtain a visa for family reunification. About 17% of the population consists of migrants or non-native residents. Austria is known for its tolerant attitude towards migrants.

Naturalization Conditions and Timelines

To obtain citizenship, you need to reside in Austria for at least 10 years, have sufficient proficiency in the German language, and pass a citizenship exam. Citizenship can be acquired more quickly if you marry an Austrian citizen.


Estonia is a small country on the Baltic Sea coast in Europe. It borders Latvia and Russia and has a maritime border with Finland. Estonia was the first country in the world to introduce internet voting in elections. The average post-tax salary is about $1600 per month.

Pros of the Country

  • Digital Technologies: You can register a business online, vote via the internet, and use many other e-services.
  • Safety: Low crime rate.
  • Nature and Environment: Clean lakes, forests, and the Baltic Sea coastline.
  • Cultural Wealth: Rich historical heritage and an active cultural life, especially in Tallinn.

Cons of the Country

  • Climate: Winters can be cold and dark.
  • Language Barrier: Knowledge of the Estonian language is desirable for full integration.
  • Limited Job Market: Fewer employment opportunities compared to larger European countries.

Emigrating to Estonia

Emigrating to Estonia is not too difficult but requires meeting certain conditions. You can live there with a work visa, student visa, entrepreneur visa, or startup visa. It is also possible to obtain a visa for family reunification. Estonia is known for its friendly attitude towards migrants. The country has many programs to support immigrants, including Estonian language courses and cultural events. About 16% of Estonia’s population consists of migrants or non-native residents.

Naturalization Conditions and Timelines

To obtain citizenship, you need to reside in Estonia for at least 8 years, have sufficient proficiency in the Estonian language, and pass a citizenship exam. Citizenship can be acquired more quickly if you marry an Estonian citizen.


Japan is an island nation in East Asia, located in the Pacific Ocean. It borders Russia, South Korea, and China. Japan consists of four main islands: Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, and Shikoku. It is a country of advanced technology and ancient traditions. Tokyo is one of the largest metropolises in the world. The average post-tax salary in Japan is about $2070 per month.

Pros of the Country

  • Standard of Living: Excellent healthcare, education, and social security.
  • Safety: Low crime rate.
  • Technological Development: Japan is a world leader in technology and innovation.
  • Cultural Wealth: Rich history, unique festivals, traditional arts, and cuisine.

Cons of the Country

  • High Cost of Living: Especially in major cities, rent and everyday expenses are high.
  • Language Barrier: Knowledge of the Japanese language is necessary for full integration.
  • Climate Conditions: Earthquakes, typhoons, and high humidity in the summer months.
  • Difficulty in Emigrating: Strict immigration laws.

Emigrating to Japan

Emigrating to Japan can be quite challenging due to strict immigration requirements. You can live there with a work visa, student visa, or investor visa. It is also possible to obtain a visa for family reunification. Japan is known for its polite and respectful attitude towards migrants, but integration may require time and effort due to the language barrier and cultural differences. About 2% of Japan’s population consists of migrants or non-native residents.

Naturalization Conditions and Timelines

To obtain Japanese citizenship, you need to reside in the country for at least 5 years. You must have sufficient proficiency in the Japanese language and pass a citizenship exam. Citizenship can be acquired more quickly if you marry a Japanese citizen.


Germany is a country in Central Europe, bordered by nine countries: Denmark, Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, and the Netherlands. The capital, Berlin, is an important cultural and political center. Germany is also known for its festivals, such as Oktoberfest. The average post-tax salary in Germany is about $3020 per month.

Pros of the Country

  • Standard of Living: Advanced healthcare, education, and social security.
  • Economy: One of the strongest economies in the world with low unemployment rates.
  • Cultural Wealth: Museums, theaters, music festivals, and historical landmarks.
  • Infrastructure: Excellent transportation system, including the autobahn network and a well-developed railway system.

Cons of the Country

  • High Cost of Living: Especially in major cities, with expensive housing and everyday expenses.
  • Bureaucracy: Emigration and obtaining various permits can involve bureaucratic complexities.
  • Language Barrier: Knowledge of the German language is necessary for full integration and employment.

Emigrating to Germany

Emigrating to Germany is not too difficult, but it requires meeting certain conditions. You can live there with a work visa, student visa, entrepreneur visa, or freelancer visa. It is also possible to obtain a visa for family reunification. Germany is known for its tolerant attitude towards migrants, and there are many programs for language learning and adaptation. About 13% of Germany’s population consists of migrants or non-native residents.

Naturalization Conditions and Timelines

To obtain German citizenship, you need to reside in the country for at least 5 years. In some cases, you can obtain citizenship in 3 years. You must have sufficient proficiency in the German language and pass a citizenship exam. Citizenship can be acquired more quickly if you marry a German citizen.


Spain is a country in southwestern Europe, located on the Iberian Peninsula. It borders France and Andorra, Portugal, and Gibraltar, and is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Spain is known for its traditions of flamenco and bullfighting, which are integral parts of Spanish culture. The average post-tax salary in Spain is about $1900 per month.

Pros of the Country

  • Climate: Spain’s warm climate attracts those who prefer sunny and warm days.
  • Culture and Traditions: Rich cultural heritage, including flamenco, bullfighting, festivals, and holidays.
  • Nature and Beaches: Beautiful beaches, mountains, and natural parks for relaxation and active recreation.
  • Cuisine: Spanish cuisine, known for tapas, paella, and wine, attracts gourmets from all over the world.

Cons of the Country

  • High Unemployment Rate: In some regions, the unemployment rate is higher than average.
  • Language Barrier: Knowledge of Spanish is necessary for full integration.

Emigrating to Spain

Emigrating to Spain is not too difficult but requires meeting certain conditions. You can live there with a work visa, student visa, investor visa, startup visa or Digital Nomad. It is also possible to obtain a visa for family reunification. Spain is known for its friendly attitude towards migrants, and there are many programs to support immigrants and help them adapt. About 11% of Spain’s population consists of migrants or non-native residents.

The Digital Nomad Visa is considered the easiest and fastest option in Europe. For the most independent, we have prepared a detailed guide “How to get a Digital Nomad Visa in Spain?

Naturalization Conditions and Timelines

To obtain Spanish citizenship, you need to reside in the country for at least 10 years, know Spanish, and pass a citizenship exam. Citizenship can be acquired more quickly if you marry a Spanish citizen.

Now you know about some of the best countries for living and emigration, along with their pros and cons. Each of these countries offers something unique, whether it’s a high standard of living, a developed economy, or cultural diversity. We believe that no country is perfect — each has its strengths and weaknesses. It all depends on your priorities and what is most important to you. Before making your choice, we recommend reading our article on making an informed choice of country to relocate to.

If you have any questions or want to share your experience, leave your comments below.

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❓Which country from the list seems the most attractive for emigration to you and why?

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